E-com Funnel Metrics Map in Looker Studio
Track, analyze and improve 35 key e-commerce metrics to boost your sales
35 crucial
GA4 metrics
36 report
56 causes of worsening & tactics
Based on GA4 source
What metrics are included?
Traffic Metrics
Engaged Sessions
Bounce Rate
Lost Sessions
Sessions from Direct
Sessions from Referral
Sessions from Social
Sessions from Organic
Sessions from Email
Sessions from Paid

Item Metrics
Sessions with View Item
Items Viewed per Session
Total View Item
View Item Rate
CR to View Item

Add to Cart Metrics
Sessions with Add to Cart
Total Add to Cart
Add to Cart Rate
CR to Add to Cart

Checkout Metrics
Items checked out
Checkout Start Rate
CR to Checkout

Purchase Metrics
Total Purchasers
First time purchasers
Repeat purchasers
Share of Repeat Customers
Purchases / Checkouts
Cart Abandonment Rate
CR to Purchase
Revenue Metrics
Total Revenue
Average Order Value
Revenue per Session
What does a metrics page include?
📈 Trend graph (historical data)
📊 Slice charts by:
  • New and Returning Users
  • Device + Platform
  • City
  • Channel + Medium
  • Source + Campaign
🔢 List of Connected Metrics

🏷️ 4 Tags
👀 Description
🤔 Why It Is Important
🔦 7 Possible Causes of Worsening
⚡ 7 Tactics to Improve This Metric
How does it work?
Check out a short review of the dashboard. See how it looks and works
How to use it
  • 1
    Identify the metrics that most strongly impact sales
  • 2
    Analyze these metrics to understand the reason for their change
  • 3
    Discover tactics to improve these key metrics.
  • 4
    Implement tactics and test results via dashboards
You want more metrics?
JetMetrics Lite is the biggest guide of e-commerce metrics to understanding, gaining insight and growing profits.
Simply connect your GA4 e-commerce data to the dashboard. The pre-built templates and metrics maps will automatically display your data, allowing you to analyze trends, identify key metrics, and implement improvement tactics.
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