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Activation Rate
from Activation
Metrics type
Units of measure
Percent / Ratio
More - better
Check frequency
Weekly Check
The percentage of total users who have successfully completed the activation process relative to the total user base.
Why it is important
Tracking the Activation Rate is essential for e-commerce stores as it provides a clear measure of the effectiveness of onboarding processes and user engagement strategies.

A high Activation Rate indicates a successful conversion of users into active participants, while a low rate may suggest areas for improvement in the onboarding experience.
(Activated Users / Total Users) * 100
Calculation example
Suppose E-commerce Store Y has a total user base of 10,000 users. In a given month the number of users who successfully completed the activation process (created an account or performed an initial login) is 2,500.

Activation Rate = (Activated Users / Total Users) * 100
Activation Rate = (2,500 / 10,000) * 100
Activation Rate = 25%
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Activated Users

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Questions to be Answered
1. How does the Activation Rate vary during promotional periods, and what factors contribute to these fluctuations?
2. Are there specific user segments that consistently exhibit higher or lower activation rates?
3. What impact does the complexity of the activation process have on the overall Activation Rate?
4. Can you identify any correlation between the Activation Rate and customer satisfaction scores?
5. How does the Activation Rate compare across different devices and platforms?
6. What strategies can be implemented to improve the Activation Rate based on historical data?
7. Are there any external factors, such as industry trends, that influence the Activation Rate?
Possible causes of worsening
Slow Onboarding Process
Lengthy or slow onboarding processes may discourage users from completing activation.

Technical Issues
Glitches or errors during the activation process can hinder successful completion.

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Tactics to improve this metric
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