The number of unique users who visited the shopping cart, indicating user engagement with the cart feature.
Why it is important
Tracking the number of unique users who view the shopping cart provides insights into user engagement with the cart feature.
It helps assess the popularity of the cart and informs strategies to enhance its visibility and usability.
Count of unique users who viewed the shopping cart
Calculation example
If there are 80 sessions where users view their shopping carts, the total number of cart views is 80
Affected metrics
Affecting metrics
Conversion to Cart View
Connecting metrics
Average Number of Items in the Cart Average Number of Unique Items in the Cart Average Number of Item Units in the Cart Average Time an Item is in the Cart Average Cart View Duration
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1. What factors contribute to an increase in Cart Views? 2. How do Cart Views correlate with overall site traffic? 3. Are there specific demographics that show higher Cart Views? 4. What is the average time duration between Cart Views and Checkouts? 5. How can the user experience in the shopping cart be optimized to increase Cart Views? 6. Is there a seasonal pattern in Cart Views? 7. Do customers who use mobile devices have different Cart Views patterns?
Possible causes of worsening
Tactics to improve this metric
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