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Cost per Unique Click (All)
from Facebook
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The average cost for each unique click (all). This metric is estimated.
Why it is important
It helps advertisers evaluate the cost-efficiency of driving unique clicks to their content, including website visits, app installations, and other desired actions.

It provides insights into the cost associated with reaching individual users and can guide decisions about ad targeting, content relevance, and budget allocation. This metric allows advertisers to optimize their campaigns for better click-through rates and return on investment.
The amount spent / Unique clicks (all)
Calculation example
Suppose you've been running a Facebook ad campaign to promote your website, and you've spent a total of $400 on this campaign. During the campaign, your ad generated 800 unique clicks, which represent the total number of unique individuals who clicked on your ad.

Cost per Unique Click (All) = Amount Spent / Unique Clicks (All)

Cost per Unique Click (All) = $400 / 800

Cost per Unique Click (All) = $0.50
Affected metrics
Affecting metrics
Connecting metrics
Unique Clicks (All)

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Suggested slices for dashboards
by Overall Campaign
by Ad Set
by Individual Ad
by Campaign Objective
by Audience Segment
by Geographic
by Time Period
by Device Type
by Ad Placement
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Questions to be Answered
1. What is the difference in 'Cost per Unique Click (All)' between various ad campaigns, ad sets, or individual ads? Are there any campaigns or ad sets that are more cost-effective in generating unique clicks?
2. Is there a connection between 'Cost per Unique Click (All)' and conversion metrics (e.g., purchases, sign-ups, lead generation)? Does the number of unique clicks have an effect on actual business outcomes?
3. How has the 'Cost per Unique Click (All)' metric changed over time? Are there certain days, weeks, or months when generating unique clicks is more or less expensive?
4. Can you divide the data to determine if certain audience demographics, interests, or locations lead to lower 'Cost per Unique Click (All)'? How can this data be used to inform your targeting strategies?
5. What is the impact of ad creative, messaging, or content type on the 'Cost per Unique Click (All)' metric? Are there any ad elements that encourage more cost-effective unique clicks?
6. Are there any seasonal or time-specific patterns in the 'Cost per Unique Click (All)' metric? Does the cost vary on particular days or during certain times of the year?
7. Can you compare the 'Cost per Unique Click (All)' metric across different ad placements on Facebook (e.g., in-feed, Stories, right column) to identify which placements are the most cost-effective for generating unique clicks?
Possible causes of worsening
Tactics to improve this metric
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