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Domain Reputation
from Email Marketing
Metrics type
Units of measure
More - better
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Domain reputation is like a scorecard for email domain. It tells email servers how trustworthy your emails are, based on past behavior like spam complaints or bounces.

A good reputation means emails are more likely to end up in the inbox instead of the spam folder. It's something you build over time by following email best practices and keeping your audience engaged.
Why it is important
Domain Reputation serves as a scorecard for email domains, influencing email server trust. A positive reputation enhances inbox placement, highlighting the importance of maintaining good practices.

Tracking this metric guides marketers in building trust over time, aligning with best practices, and fostering engaged audiences for improved deliverability and email performance.
No specific formula (Score based on past behavior like spam complaints or bounces)
Calculation example
A higher score indicates a better reputation
Affected metrics
Delivery Rate
Affecting metrics
Hard Bounces
Connecting metrics

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Questions to be Answered
1. How does domain reputation contribute to the overall deliverability of email campaigns?
2. What specific actions can negatively impact domain reputation, and how can they be avoided?
3. How long does it typically take to build and rebuild a positive domain reputation?
4. What measures can be taken to proactively improve and maintain a good domain reputation?
5. How does domain reputation affect email placement in spam folders, and what strategies can mitigate this impact?
6. Can domain reputation be influenced by factors beyond email content, such as website security or overall online presence?
7. How does domain reputation impact different types of email communications, such as newsletters versus promotional emails?
Possible causes of worsening
Increase in Spam Complaints
A sudden surge in spam complaints can damage domain reputation, indicating that recipients find the content unwanted or misleading.

High Bounce Rates
Consistently high bounce rates signal to email servers that the sender is not maintaining a clean and updated email list, affecting domain reputation.

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Tactics to improve this metric
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