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Item Promotion Click Through Rate
from Activation
Metrics type
Units of measure
Percent / Ratio
More - better
Check frequency
The number of users who selected a promotion divided by the number of users who viewed the same promotion.
Why it is important
A higher click-through rate indicates that the promotion successfully captures user interest, providing valuable insights for optimizing promotional strategies, enhancing product placements, and tailoring marketing efforts to increase overall conversion rates and maximize the impact of promotional campaigns.
Items Clicked in Promotion / Promotion Views * 100
Calculation example
Suppose E-commerce Store N had the following data during a specific promotion period:
The promotion was viewed by 5,000 users.
Among those who viewed the promotion, 500 users clicked on the items featured in the promotion.

Item Promotion Click Through Rate = Items Clicked in Promotion / Promotion Views
Item Promotion Click Through Rate = 500 / 5,000 * 100
Item Promotion Click Through Rate = 10%
Affected metrics
Items Clicked in Promotion
Affecting metrics
Connecting metrics

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Suggested slices for dashboards
by Promotion Type
by Audience Segment
by Device Type
by Time-of-Day and Day-of-Week
by Seasonal or Event-Based Trends
by Product Category
by Geo
by Promotion Placement
by Promotion Duration
The revenue impact pathway
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Questions to be Answered
1. How does the Item Promotion Click Through Rate vary between different types of promotions, and what insights can be gained for prioritizing promotion types that drive higher click-through rates?
2. Are there specific user segments or demographics that consistently exhibit higher or lower Item Promotion Click Through Rates, and how can targeted marketing address these variations?
3. Can you identify any correlation between changes in the design or placement of promotions and fluctuations in the Item Promotion Click Through Rate?
4. How does the Item Promotion Click Through Rate differ between users who have completed the activation process and those who haven't?
5. What impact do limited-time promotions or exclusive offers have on the Item Promotion Click Through Rate, and how can these promotions be optimized for higher click-through rates?
6. How does the Item Promotion Click Through Rate vary between different app versions, and what insights can be gained for optimizing marketing efforts for specific versions?
7. What role does user feedback and reviews play in influencing the Item Promotion Click Through Rate, and how can positive sentiments be leveraged for more effective promotion click-through?
Possible causes of worsening
Unattractive or Misleading Promotions
If promotions lack visual appeal or are perceived as misleading, users may be less likely to click through to explore them.

Lack of Clarity in Promotion Details
Unclear or insufficient details about promotions may result in users hesitating to click through, impacting the click-through rate.

Explore more causes in full version of JetMetrics Lite
Tactics to improve this metric
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