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Non-activated Users
from CRM
Metrics type
Units of measure
Less - better
Check frequency
The count of users who have registered but have not completed activation or engaged with the e-commerce platform, indicating the number of users who have not yet become customers.
Why it is important
Identifying non-activated users is crucial for understanding the conversion rate from registration to activation.

This metric guides businesses in optimizing onboarding processes, improving user engagement strategies, and enhancing activation campaigns to increase the conversion of registered users into active customers, ultimately impacting overall revenue by reducing user dropout.
Number of Users Registered but Not Yet Activated
Calculation example
If there are 200 users who have registered but not completed activation or engaged with the platform,
Non-activated Users = 200
Affected metrics
New Customers
All Users
Affecting metrics
Connecting metrics
% of Non-activated Users

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Suggested slices for dashboards
by Registration Source
by Time Since Registration
by Email Verification Status
by Device Type
by Referral Source
The revenue impact pathway
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Questions to be Answered
1. What is the average time it takes for non-activated users to convert into active customers, and are there strategies to optimize the onboarding process and reduce this time period?
2. How do different communication channels, such as email or in-app notifications, impact the conversion rate of non-activated users to active customers, and which channels show higher effectiveness?
3. Are there specific demographics or geographic regions with a higher count of non-activated users, and can targeted campaigns address the unique challenges or preferences of these user segments?
4. How does the design and user experience of the activation process influence the conversion rate of non-activated users, and what improvements can be made to enhance user engagement?
5. What impact do limited-time promotions or exclusive offers have on converting non-activated users, and are there specific types of promotions that resonate more effectively with this segment?
6. Can user feedback or reviews provide insights into the barriers preventing non-activated users from completing the activation process, and how can these insights inform user experience enhancements?
7. How do changes in the competitive landscape or industry trends influence the count of non-activated users, and how can the platform adapt its activation strategies to remain competitive?
Possible causes of worsening
Tactics to improve this metric
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