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Organic Clicks
from SEO
Metrics type
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More - better
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The total number of clicks a website receives from organic search results, indicating the success of the site in attracting users through non-paid search.
Why it is important
Monitoring this metric is essential for evaluating the success of organic search strategies. Decision-making based on Organic Clicks involves assessing the effectiveness of SEO efforts, identifying high-performing keywords, and optimizing content to attract more organic clicks.

This information guides decisions related to content strategy, user engagement, and overall SEO tactics for sustained organic search success.
Total number of clicks from organic search results
Calculation example
Suppose a website selling content about healthy lifestyle, receives clicks from various organic search queries:
- Clicks from "Healthy Recipes": 2,500 clicks
- Clicks from "Fitness Workouts": 1,800 clicks
- Clicks from "Nutrition Guide": 1,200 clicks

Organic Clicks = 2,500 + 1,800 + 1,200 = 5,500
Affected metrics
Organic Traffic
Affecting metrics
Organic Impressions
Organic CTR
Connecting metrics
Traffic Value
Search Visibility

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Questions to be Answered
1. What is the current total number of organic clicks, and how does this reflect the website's success in attracting users through non-paid search?
2. Are there specific pages or types of content driving a higher number of organic clicks, and what strategies contribute to their success?
3. How does the total number of organic clicks correlate with improvements in search engine rankings and overall organic traffic?
4. What is the distribution of organic clicks across different devices and platforms, and how can this information guide responsive design and user experience optimizations?
5. Can insights from organic clicks inform the development of targeted content and landing pages to maximize user engagement and conversions?
Possible causes of worsening
Tactics to improve this metric
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